Who We Are
We are 100% run by parent and community volunteers!
The Monticello Athletic boosters are a non-profit group of parent volunteers formed to boost, support, encourage and aid student athletes at Monticello High School. All of the funds raised from goes directly back to Monticello Sages high school sports programs.
When We Meet
We meet on the first Wednesday of every month during the school year in a board room off the Siever's Center gymnasium at the High School.
In addition to monthly meetings, members are called upon to help staff fundraising events like Season Kick-off Events, the Holiday Hoopla, annual sport physicals, and a variety of other events.
Board Members
Angie Bundy, President
Justin Wierman, Vice President
Beth Dubson, Secretary
Ashlee Burton, Treasurer
Ron Falk, Committee Member
Lisa Swanson, Committee Member
Beth Dubson, Committee Member
Dan Woods, Committee Member
Leanne Osborne, Committee Member
Board members are elected for a one (1) year term. Elections are generally held during the April board meeting.

What We Do
We have funded requests over the last 5 years in excess of $500,000!
These funds have gone towards athletic equipment like:
equipment bags
field improvements
team warm-ups
performance analysis software
football equipment trailer
State Championship rings for football and cross country
track hurdles
press boxes for baseball and softball
official scorer’s table in the Sievers Center
NFHS cameras, press boxes
fitness training software
NFHS computer
backboard lights
weight room