Pre-Registration 24-25

Families in the Monticello school district may pre-register children who will turn 5 years old, on or before September 1, 2025, for Kindergarten using online registration. The link for online registration is:

This year we are asking that all incoming Kindergarten students attend our screening process in Siever's Center Lobby on April 10th. If your child is currently enrolled in Small Wonders then you do not need to sign your child up for a time slot. The screening will be completed during school hours. The link for screenings is:

Families with a student who will enter 1st -3rd grade in the fall, who did not attend Monticello CUSD #25 schools for the 2024-2025 school year, are asked to pre-register as well using the registration link above. If your child is a current student at Washington School, you do NOT need to complete the registration.