Early Out for School Improvement - WED, FEB 5 dismissals are WH 100PM, MHS 105PM, WASH 110PM, LINC 115PM, MMS 120PM
Our new gym is under construction - I would like to offer everyone the opportunity to walk through the unfinished space on Friday, JAN 31. Meet me in the WASHINGTON School lobby at 5:45pm for a quick tour. Spaghetti fundraiser at MHS Cafe at 5 and Boys vs Pontiac at 7 as well!
Monticello Middle School Principal Search Survey
Early Out for School Improvement DEC 4 - dismissals are WH 1:00PM, MHS 1:05PM, WASH 1:10PM, LINC 1:15PM, MMS 1:20PM
MAEF Deuces Wild Fundraiser on February 22 - for more info and to purchase tickets goto --> https://one.bidpal.net/deuceswild2020/welcome
Early Dismissal for Thanksgiving Break on NOV 26 - WH 2:00PM, MHS 2:05PM, WASH 2:10PM, LINC 2:15PM, MMS 2:20PM - No School on Nov 27, 28, 29
IMPACT Coalition Video on Underage Drinking --> https://tinyurl.com/IMPACT-Underage
Early Out for School Improvement 11/6 - WH 1:00PM, MHS 1:05PM, WASH 1:10PM, LINC 1:15PM, MMS 1:20PM
Part-Time (every other day) High School French Teacher opening for the second semester - Parlez-vous français? http://www.sages.us/employment-opportunities--304
No School for students on Monday, Oct 14 or Tuesday, Oct 15
Early Out for School Improvement - Wed, 9/11 - WH 1:00pm, MHS 1:05pm, WASH 1:10pm, LINC 1:15pm, MMS 1:20pm #NeverForget
1500 bricks from OLD Washington School are available behind the bus garage located a 1042 S. Market Street - one per person - honor system.
Project Cam Up and Running —> https://public.earthcam.net/PKPJ_Hoerr
Online registration opens on July 8 at teacherease.com. New students to the district should register on August 5th between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Meet the Teacher (K-5) is August 15th from 2:00-3:00 PM and the first day of school is August 16th.
Lots of trees down in the school district due to storms (especially Cisco area) - buses will run but may not be able to get to homes and normal bus stops due to blocked roads. Stay safe out there.
Early Out for School Improvement May 1 - Dismissal times are WH-1:00pm, WASH/MHS 110pm, LINC 115pm, and MMS 120pm
Our current last day of school for 2018-19 is Friday, May 31.Our dismissal schedule for students will be as follows: MHS Finals, WH 11:00AM, WASH 11:10AM, LINC 11:15AM, MMS 11:20AM
Lunch will not be served on this day. Buses will run the early dismissal schedule.
Community Open House for the 1894 Old Washington School will be 6:00pm-7:30pm on Monday, May 20. Self-guided tours. Free cookies. Not ADA accessible.
Joint District and Athletic Boosters Statement on Banking Activity
Early Out for School Improvement Wed, March 6 - dismissal times WH-100PM, HS/WASH -110PM, LINC -115PM, MMS-120PM #GoSages